Sunday, February 28, 2010


I have been neglecting you, dear blog, so because I have a few new books, DVD’s, and have taken some online classes, I thought I would do a quick review of some of them.

First off is Mickey Lawler’s new DVD:


imageI LOVE this DVD!  It consists of THREE HOURS of tutorials. I have her book, Skydyes, and I use it all the time. It is my favourite technique. I thought the DVD would have the same info, just with demos and for the most part this is true. But it is so much more. Mickey is an excellent teacher, thats for sure..

She has some extras on the DVD and she shares a lot of personal things at the end of the tutorials. She even cries--I almost started crying.. And she takes you on a walk through her local gardening centre. So much fun.

I give this DVD an A+++

Here is Mickey’s book":



If you have seen any of my blog, you might have noticed that I love to paint fabric. I read about it first in this book which I have had for several years. I have put a ton of handwriting in it, pages have gotten paint on them and some are warped and I heart this book a lot. If you don't have this one, go get it! 

I give this book an A+++ as well..

Next is Beth Wheeler’s “Next Step in Altered Photo Artistry”.


I never really had a burning desire to use my computer to alter my fabric artwork, but I was reading Beth’s blog one day  and she was showing some of flower pictures her classes do. I was intrigued and read up on her books. Not interested enough to actually order one, but it was interesting. Then our local quilt store had a copy and I had a credit, so there you go.

Ummm—I like it. I am very lucky to have Photo Shop and Elements, which is required for the projects. She includes a CD with a number of filters and brushes which are nice.

While I really like this book, I think because I don’t have a project to do yet, I will just keep it on the back burner.

I would give this book a B.


Quickly moving on. I also previewed a DVD by Carol Taylor called “Strategies For Success” put out by Quilting Arts Magazine.

imageI have been in awe of Carol’s work for several years and HAD to order this disk. Am I ever glad I did. She is so interesting and a great teacher. The technique she shows on the dvd is ‘arch-itecture’ . The video is about 2 1/2 hours long. She mentions that she has made 496 quilts since 1993! I love this workshop and plan on making some of these beauties—that’s for sure! Carol does not have a blog—probably because she is ‘making, not saying’. 


I give this video an A++


Hey, this was fun. I have a few more reviews I could do, so I’ll be back later..