For now, here is my latest project. A wedding quilt for a young lady whom I have know for a long time.
I know its not the greatest picture, but it is still a work in progress. She loves purple, so I really, really tried. It evolved into this mock up I did in PSP:
The pattern developed from a picture I had seen of a class taught by Sonja Shogren called Match Play. I wrote her asking if she had this class for sale. She did, but I had to do the quilt before I got her class plan. To be honest, I still do not have it yet (yaah mail service), so designed this from the picture on her site. It was fun, but time consuming. I will definitely make more of these though.
Off to layer the beast—its big—about 108” x 108”, so I will have to work on my biceps so that I can manage this guy when I quilt it.
Hey it looks great! Did you get it quilted?