Thursday, December 31, 2009

2nd Annual Christmas Quilt Party

I don’t like parties. I don’t like the polite chatter, the awkward silences and especially the drinking. Last year I looked at my mountains of patterns and fabric knowing I needed to do something about it. So I hosted a quilt party for all the ladies at work.


I had the women pick a pattern and I made up the background pieces, they appliquéd the pieces, and then I quilted the pieces. A lot of work but a lot of fun.



Most of the ladies picked Pine Needle patterns. In some cases I hand-dyed the background if it was appropriate—like in the loon piece above.




Last year only 3 women were quilters, and no-one else had done appliqué. This year there was only 2 that had not done appliqué before. Last year we pieced the borders, this year I just did some painted borders. So much faster and I think it looks good for the bears.




Even the little ones, like this, took me more hours than I want to mention to quilt. But I love doing them. And they are always appreciated.




The lady who did this piece made a mistake and fused fusible web on the top of the piece. She called me almost in tears. No problem, I just added lots of layers of fusible to make it look like the piece was underwater.



Hard to see, but the fish really look 3-D.



I worked on this one, even though I didn’t need any more wall hangings. I decided to make it as a gift, then ran out of time to complete it… 

But I did complete these ones!




  1. Very nice. I'm glad to see what Bonnie's looks like - she had given it away and couldn't bring it in to show me. It looks great in the end. And I really like your Rudolph. What will you do next year? Do Peter and Reuben want to make wall hangings?

  2. Hey Janet--hi! Bonnie really liked the way it turned out and said her aunt would love it. I'll have to ask her this week. Peter and Reuben do not want wall hangings. LoL. Peter refuses to even have a file cabinet in his office. He has nothing on his desk. Reuben's desk on the other hand has disappeared under a ton of paper. He does have some neat Star Trek stuff on the table though. Next year, I still want to have a fabric party-I think. :-)

