But I admit I ‘have’ been doing some quilting. A co-worker was diagnosed with lung cancer so I made her this lap quilt to take with her:
I also got all of my co-workers to sign it with good wishes and gave it to her before she went away for treatment. I know she was overwhelmed—I know I would cherish something like this if I were in the same situation.
I’ve also made this very nerdy wall hanging for my office ‘wall’ (a divider):
What I think is funny is that ‘Bones’ looks like a vampire. I think its the peaks in his hair. And Scotty looks pissed about something—probably that Shatner stole his lines—again.
And finally, I am pressing Lupin to use later this summer. Here Lupin doesn’t last very long and last year I kicked myself that I didn’t work fast enough and get a few flowering parts. So this year, I’m starting early and harvesting a bunch.
I’m also going to do something with these pics of immature fireweed I took yesterday. I really like the look of these. Maybe I will do a weekly photo of the fireweed and do a compilation at the end of the summer? Hmm….
: ) YOU GET BLOGGING! I love it here at your place : ) LOVE all that fabric! Please show me more : )
your gushing fan : )