Sunday, June 7, 2009

Week-End Fun!


Today the hubby finally finished the boat and we are off to the lake. I am so looking forward to some fishing, soaking up some sun and reading my book.



Well we have been gone for 57 minutes. The boat has some issues and it will have to go to the shop and get a tune up or something.


So instead, without further ado, I’ll show you some Shibori I did. Thanks very much Wil for the great instructions. Wil is a dye friend who sometimes offers classes. This month the shibori dyeing was on the schedule. Here is a close-up.


And here is another piece.


So how do you do it? First, you need plumbing tubes of between 2-5”. I used the 2, 4 and 5” pipes that I purchased at Home Hardware.  DSC00250

I wrapped a 1/2 meter of fabric around a pole. Then you wrap string around as shown. At the top you can see where the fabric is pushed up together. The bottom shows how I spaced the string. I didn’t use anything fancy, just twine.


Then I added Cayman Island green. I love that colour. BTW, the fabric was soaked in soda ash, then dried on a clothes line. I wrapped the fabric dry. Because it is not a pure colour, I thought it would be a good one to use for this technique as it will strike the fabric in different ways.


These are the three poles I did. I also used cardinal red and golden yellow on the other pieces. (don’t look at my unhealthy lawn).

And here is the reveal! I batched these for 3 hours in the hot, hot sun. I think they turned out very nice. These are straight off the poles and not washed or anything..

DSC00259  DSC00253

I also did something I love to do, and that is line dyeing. Pour dye over a piece of fabric and see how it goes.


This one has cardinal red on one end, then I turned it around, and did Cayman Ifsland green on the other.


I then HAD to play around with the piece. When dry, I dripped golden yellow all over the lovely caymen island green and cardinal red… this is what happened. But I need to do another red/green combo soon.

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