Friday, August 14, 2009

Stained Glass Appliqué

One of my favourite northern designers, Lise Merchant, has a book using reverse stained glass appliqué. I love her patterns and Lise lives about 15 houses from me. She has a huge studio overlooking the most beautiful section of the Yukon River surrounded by at least 5 HUGE mountain ranges. I am sure this is an inspiration to her creations..

Anyway—I have made a number of her stained glass wall hangings that I want to share:


Yap—that’s Ripley- the lead dog. This one hangs in my office and took 5 years to finish. It was a very time consuming technique using the reverse stained glass appliqué method. Not my favorite method by any means..

Then Lise wrote a book on an easy technique to do stained glass appliqué using fusible web. I took her class and made a dozen in 1 year. Here is a couple:

DSC00362 DSC00360

Right now I am working on a fireweed that is 72” tall! Will post it when done.I encourage you all to take a look at her book and technique if you get a chance.


  1. loved your whole blog. Your sunprints with the fireweed are terrific.
    Your deck with your planters is lovely.
    since you are off for the next 2 weeks i hope you have great fun creating.
    your wedding quilt makes we wish I wasn't trying to sell a house and instead having fun dyeing MORE fabric. Ann

  2. ripley is beautiful. ann

  3. Thanks Ann for the nice comments. Selling a home is SUCH a pain. I have fingers crossed that you sell quickly and can get back into dyeing very quickly!!
